Sunday, 11 November 2012

Mujeres Asesinas 3

Eliana And Joana

Series Summery;- Mujeres Asesinas is a series that shows the dark side of women who have been mistreated or abused and become cruel murderers. The series shows how violence and death can overcome the feminine mind. 

Each episode shows a different story of a woman who has committed homicide. These women are motivated by multiple passions such as love, hatred, resentment, vengeance, lunacy, despair, fear, anger, addiction, salvation and redemption. Doctor Sofía Capellan and her team of experts try to solve the murders perpetrated by the women.

Relationship Summery;- Eliana's life is great. She has a perfectly good job and fiance. But trouble arises when she reencounters an old flame, her fiances sister, Joana.

Release date;- 2012-Present

Language;- Spanish (Mexico) (English Subtitles)

Lesbian action;- 6*/10
Quality - Script;- 8*/10
Quality - Picture;- 6*/10
Chemistry;- 8*/10
Overall;- 9*/10


  1. DIEM
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    Point Guns Black CorocoL Withe 🔫 Hay Soto Los Gatos Me Si Las
    iPhone Red light Ferrian Mocotol
    Nextel Me Police Actriz Hay To
    Friends Amgrios Me Las Vegas Ang
    Hostina De Meridantiaez Drama Yo
    Luiscesritez Miscerianz Ferandez
    Mujer Loca Yo Contingo HobaL Si
    Yo Queries Contingo Familia De
    Hostina De Meridantiaez Name To
    Luiscesritez Miscerianz Ferandez
    Asesinas Yo Los Gatos Me Soto To
    La Muerte People
    Sergio Gloryi Fuasto Lopez Guerra La Muerte Drama Historia
    Claudia Ramlrez
    Rebeca Murillo Gaxlios Loca Yo
    La Muertes Drama La Historia De
    Anna Cienascien Costancos Los Si
    La Muerte De Historia Drama Amor
    People Muerte De Drama Historia
    Killad Me Yo Guns Black CorocoL
    Soy Asesinas -
    Hostina De Meridantiaez
    Luiscesritez Miscerianz Ferandez

  2. DIEM Police Actriz Hay Historia
    Twitter AngeL Mangres Coumptra
    Ricardo Franco-Tenienas Moran To
    Friends Amgrios Me Las Vegas Ang
    Hostina De Meridantiaez Eugenia
    Luiscesritez Miscerianz Ferandez
    Gustos Me Friends AngeL Mangre s
    Mi Pecado Gran FinaL Univsion He
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    Te Amo Alma Me Friends AngeL Mi
    Siempre Viva Contingo Besos ♥️
    Berken 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Heart
    Dolors Victma Sangre Veagzlan To
    Veagzlan Fuerza Alma Queried Me
    Paincos Amor Corazon Chocolate
    Alppes Mi Amor Las Heart ♥️ Amo
    Sueros CorostcoL Te Amo Alma Mi
    Boxes Red Stewberry Chocolate 🍫
    Flowers Rosa Withe Green Bontio
    Cups Wostanez 🥂🍾🍷🥃🌹✨🌙🕊️🌑
    Angele Dios Diomasion Drama My
    Vrigia Canama Pantico Heart ♥️
    Yo Friends Amgrios Me Las To Si


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